
A collection of thoughts about nature, life, and trying to achieve my dreams.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Summer blows away...

And quietly gets swallowed by a wave..."
-The Decemberists

For whatever reason, the Decemberists always remind me of winter. Maybe it's because I first discovered that I liked them during the winter; maybe it's the fact that they're called the "DECEMBERists," but their songs always make me think of brisk fall days and cold, rainy, rocky beaches with pounding waves.

That's not to say that I don't listen to them in the summer (quite the contrary- I find them to be great "cooldown" music if I've been out in the sun too long!), but I just find it interesting that even in songs that have no mention of seasons or weather, I always imagine a chilly northern town, and there are often clouds in the sky.

This, along with their generally melancholy lyrics, has caused me to feel really sad/wistful/nostalgic lately when I hear them, because they remind me that summer is almost over and it will soon be time to trade my aquarium-issued polo, khaki shorts, and tevas for scarves, hoodies, and cozy flannel shirts. I used to think that I was a "seasons" kind of person- enjoying the different weathers for their unique qualities, but I learned this past summer that I am much better adapted for warm-weather living than cold. I used to be the type that was always arguing with my mom about the temperature in the house- she being invariably cold, and wanting to turn off the A/C or at least turn up the temperature. But now, being in air conditioning makes me shiver, and I spent all day at work today with a long-sleeved shirt under my sleeveless polo, and long khaki pants in lieu of my usual shorts.

It makes me thankful that I had the wonderful foresight to book myself another 3-week neotropical excursion this winter, and I'm pretty sure I will only make it through the winter by clinging to this idea. Hopefully I'm wrong, and my body will re-adapt to the fierce winds and freezing temperatures of my college campus, but I think I'll be bringing along lots of scarves and hoodies to school, just in case.

I guess this post doesn't have much of a point, except to express my sadness at summer's passing. I'm excited for the new semester and the opportunities it will bring, but after experiencing such a magical summer, it's difficult to let go and let the wave swallow me, as well. For now, I'll be clinging to those rocky shores of summer until I have no choice but to surrender my grip and let the winter take me where it will.

Pico the Japanese Macaque (aka Snow Monkey), who is looking forward to winter much more than I am!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Horse-Crazy? Or Just Crazy...

Today I had the day off from work. Rather, I specifically requested to have the day off. The reason? There was a horse show, and after so much traveling I am cramming to get back in shape in time for the Hampton Classic at the end of the month! Sounds reasonable right? Well, let me tell you how my day went.

First, after a not-so-great-night's sleep (dog barking at 2AM), I woke up a full hour earlier than I have to for work. 6:00AM isn't TOO bad on a normal night's sleep, but this was a bit much. Then, I left my house a full hour and a half before I have to for work, and proceeded to spend all day (all hot, humid, sticky day) walking around outside in long pants, leather boots, a long-sleeved shirt, and a wool coat. As if that weren't ENOUGH to make this sound crazy, add the fact that in the afternoon when I was showing, it started raining. Oh, and food? Who has TIME for food at a horse show? I went all day on just my early morning oatmeal, a cup of fruit salad, and half of a granola bar (the other half went to the real star of the day, Hero!). Add in the fact that I got home a full hour later than I would from work, and then factor in the idea that I was spending money rather than making it, and this whole picture could seem a little puzzling to a non-horse person.

But you know what? I loved EVERY minute of it. Hero was, like I said, the true shining star of the day, living up to his name by faithfully carrying me around even though it was only my 4th time riding since I got back! And that's what it's all about to me- the bond I share with this absolutely remarkable animal.

When I got home, hungry and tired from a long day, I whipped up some fresh-picked tomato and basil pasta. The tomatoes were amongst the sweetest, ripest tomatoes I've ever had, and all-in-all, it was the perfect way to end the day (plus, it was quick and easy to make!). Since my recent transition to weekday veganism (to help with my self control, I allow myself to indulge on egg and dairy products on weekends), I've had to be even more creative and selective about what I eat than usual, but tonight's meal was a nice throwback to old times- a meal I've been enjoying since I was old enough to chew solid food! I will admit, I didn't have the appreciation for tomatoes then that I do now, but even so, this dish is a better comfort food to me than the traditional mac-n-cheese or other fatty greasy dishes (it's a good thing since that I don't eat cheese, usually).

So although my day today was unconventional to say the least, and would not even fall on the radar for most people's definitions of a "good day," I can express nothing but gratitude and contentment at the way things have turned out, today and also just in my life in general!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Whirlwind Summer

Wow, I can't believe it's August already! With all of my traveling, my summer has absolutely flown by, and now that I'm working 4 days a week, it certainly isn't slowing down any.
Costa Rica was an absolutely magical experience for me- I had so many amazing experiences there I can't even think of how to sum it up here. Luckily, I kept a journal, so in the future I will probably post some excerpts from that.

Part of our trip included a day tour at Fundacion Santuario Silvestre de Osa, a wonderful little wildlife sanctuary that has had tremendous success in the rehabilitation and release of animals such as scarlet macaws, several species of monkey, and even top predators like ocelots. The owner, Carol, is an inspiration, and was a very lovely woman to talk to. To learn more, visit their website here.

It's weird to think that less than a month ago, I was living with virtually no internet, absolutely no cell phone, and allowing my sleep patterns to follow those of the primates we were studying- early to bed and early to rise! It's really quite astonishing, how quickly we can assimilate back into both the perks and the drawbacks of this modern life.

The rest of my summer entails working long hours and trying to find a balance between the easy rhythm of tropical rainforest life and the hustle and bustle of suburbia. I'll be sure to post my progress here, although I can't guarantee any degree of regularity with posts- sometimes I just get sick of the internet and need a break.